Izdana je nova inačica programskog paketa Firefox za Sun Solaris 10. Novom inačicom ispravljen je veliki broj sigurnosnih propusta otkrivenih u ovom popularnom web pregledniku. Neki od njih su cjelobrojno prepisivanje u implementaciji elementa "FRAMESET", prepisivanje međuspremnika u funkciji "nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText" te nedostaci ograničenja pristupa svojstvu "statusText" kod "XMLHttpRequest" objekata. Otkriveni propusti udaljenom i lokalnom napadaču omogućuju stjecanje većih ovlasti, pregled određenih podataka, izvršavanje proizvoljnog programskog koda, izvođenje napada uskraćivanja usluge, itd. Svim se korisnicima preporuča nadogradnja i detaljnije čitanje izvorne preporuke.

Oracle Solaris Firefox Multiple Vulnerabilities
Secunia Advisory 	SA42867 	

Release Date 	2011-01-10
Criticality level 	Highly criticalHighly critical
Impact 	Security Bypass
Cross Site Scripting
Exposure of sensitive information
Privilege escalation
System access
Where 	From remote
Authentication level 	Available in Customer Area
Report reliability 	Available in Customer Area
Solution Status 	Vendor Patch
Systems affected 	Available in Customer Area
Approve distribution 	Available in Customer Area
Operating System	
	Sun Solaris 10

Secunia CVSS Score 	Available in Customer Area
CVE Reference(s) 	CVE-2010-2760 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2762 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2764 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2765 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2766 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2767 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2768 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2769 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-2941 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3166 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3167 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3168 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3169 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3170 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3171 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3173 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3175 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3176 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3177 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3178 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3179 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3180 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3182 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3183 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3399 CVSS available in Customer Area
CVE-2010-3765 CVSS available in Customer Area

Oracle has acknowledged multiple vulnerabilities in Firefox included in Solaris. These can be exploited by malicious, local users to gain escalated privileges and by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting and spoofing attacks, disclose potentially sensitive information, bypass certain security restrictions, and compromise a user's system.

For more information:

Apply patches.
Further details available in Customer Area
Original Advisory

Other references
Further details available in Customer Area

Deep Links
Links available in Customer Area

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