U radu programskog paketa HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory je uočena sigurnosna ranjivost. Radi se o paketu koji se koristi za optimizirano upravljanje pisačima, poslužiteljima i mrežnim uređajima. Sigurnosna nepravilnost nastaje jer je SNMP zajednički znakovni niz (eng. community string) definiran kao "public". Ukoliko udaljeni napadač pokuša iskoristiti ranjivost, može ostvariti pristup osjetljivim podacima. Nove inačice paketa sadrže ispravke opisane ranjivosti koje se savjetuju na pravovremenu instalaciju u svrhu zaštite.
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory SNMP Configuration Issue
CVE ID CVE-2011-0890
CWE ID Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
CVSS V2 Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Rated as Moderate Risk
Impact Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Authentication Level Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Access Vector Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Release Date 2011-03-24
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Technical Description
A vulnerability has been identified in HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI), which could be exploited by remote attackers to gain knowledge of sensitive information. This issue is caused due to the SNMP read community string being set to "public", which could be exploited remotely to allow unauthorized read-only access to the data available via the SNMP protocol.
Affected Products
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 7.50
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 7.51
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 7.60
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 7.61
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 7.70
HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI) version 9.30
Modify the value of the SNMP read community string :
Vulnerability reported by the vendor.
2011-03-24 : Initial release
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