Uočen je sigurnosni propust vezan uz Mac OS X platforme, a koji je vezan uz nekoliko neispravnih tj. kompromitiranih SLL certifikata. Upotrebom lažnih certifikata, napadači imaju mogućnost izvođenje MITM (eng. man-in-the- middle) napada i otkrivanja osjetljivih korisničkih podataka. Za iOS operacijske sustave, Apple je izdao nadogradnju koja blokira lažne certifikate (stavlja ih u tzv. blacklistu). Za Safari preglednik na Windows operacijskim sustavima potrebno je primijeniti odgovarajuće Microsoftove programske zakrpe koje na sličan način otklanjaju ovu ranjivost.

Hash: SHA1

APPLE-SA-2011-04-14-4 Security Update 2011-002

Security Update 2011-002 is now available and addresses the

Certificate Trust Policy
Available for:  Mac OS X v10.5.8, Mac OS X Server v10.5.8,
Mac OS X v10.6.7, Mac OS X Server v10.6.7
Impact:  An attacker with a privileged network position may intercept
user credentials or other sensitive information
Description:  Several fraudulent SSL certificates were issued by a
Comodo affiliate registration authority. This may allow a man-in-the-
middle attacker to redirect connections and intercept user
credentials or other sensitive information. This issue is addressed
by blacklisting the fraudulent certificates.
Note: For iOS, this issue is addressed with iOS 4.3.2 and iOS 4.2.7.
For Windows systems, Safari relies on the certificate store of the
host operating system to determine if an SSL server certificate is
trustworthy. Applying the update described in Microsoft Knowledge
Base Article 2524375 will cause Safari to regard these certificates
as untrusted. The article is available at

For Mac OS X v10.6.7 and Mac OS X Server v10.6.7
The download file is named: SecUpd2011-002Snow.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 175c1adf0af15d817c272354dd75300ca6416792

For Mac OS X v10.5.8
The download file is named: SecUpd2011-002.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: d9ff801e7d7dd5ed76bfdd3adf8d2bf9c7336c44

For Mac OS X Server v10.5.8
The download file is named: SecUpdSrvr2011-002.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 7f7282006484a8c9ef8dd30d28759b72641f5c44

Information will also be posted to the Apple Security Updates
web site: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222

This message is signed with Apple's Product Security PGP key,
and details are available at:

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (Darwin)

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