U radu programskog paketa Microsoft Reader ustanovljeni su višestruki sigurnosni propusti. Riječ je o besplatnoj aplikaciji koja omogućava čitanje eKnjiga na operacijskim sustavima Windows. Propusti se javljaju u "msreader.exe" komponenti prilikom analize određenih sadržaja, a također se javlja i pogreška cjelobrojnog prepisivanja te nepravilne provjere ulaznih podataka. Iskorištavanje propusta može dovesti do prepisivanja na gomili putem zlonamjerno oblikovanih LIT ili AA datoteka. Napadaču propusti omogućuju izvršavanje zlonamjernog programskog koda. Zasad nije objavljena nadogradnja koja otklanja propust.

Secunia Advisory SA44121
Microsoft Reader Multiple Vulnerabilities
Secunia Advisory 	SA44121 	
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Release Date 	2011-04-13
Popularity 	56 views
Comments 	0 comments

Criticality level 	Highly criticalHighly critical
Impact 	System access
Where 	From remote
Authentication level 	Available in Customer Area
Report reliability 	Available in Customer Area
Solution Status 	Unpatched
Systems affected 	Available in Customer Area
Approve distribution 	Available in Customer Area
	Microsoft Reader 2.x

Secunia CVSS Score 	Available in Customer Area
CVE Reference(s) 	No CVE references.



Luigi Auriemma has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft Reader, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.

1) An error in msreader.exe when parsing certain eBook content can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer overflow via a specially crafted LIT (".lit") file.

2) An integer underflow error in msreader.exe when parsing certain eBook content can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer overflow via a specially crafted LIT (".lit") file.

3) An input validation error in aud_file.dll when processing certain Audible Audio content can be exploited to write a NULL byte to an arbitrary memory location via a specially crafted AA (".aa") file.

Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow execution of arbitrary code.

The vulnerabilities are confirmed in version Other versions may also be affected.

Do not open files from untrusted sources.

Provided and/or discovered by
Luigi Auriemma

Original Advisory

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