Otkriven je sigurnosni nedostatak vezan uz IBM WebSphere Application Server. Radi se o aplikacijskom poslužitelju koji omogućava razvoj SOA (eng. Service Oriented Architecture) aplikacija i servisa. Nedostatak je posljedica neispravne obrade određenih ulaznih podataka u IVT aplikaciji. Takvu situaciju udaljeni napadač može iskoristiti za izvođenje XSS (eng. cross-site scripting) napada. U svrhu zaštite, korisnici se upućuju na instalaciju odgovarajuće nadogradnje. Za više detalja se preporuča pregled izvorne preporuke.

IBM WebSphere Application Server IVT Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
Secunia Advisory 	SA44031 	
Release Date 	2011-04-04
Criticality level 	Less criticalLess critical
Impact 	Cross Site Scripting
Where 	From remote
Authentication level 	Available in Customer Area
Report reliability 	Available in Customer Area
Solution Status 	Vendor Patch
Systems affected 	Available in Customer Area
Approve distribution 	Available in Customer Area
	IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.1.x

Secunia CVSS Score 	Available in Customer Area
CVE Reference(s) 	No CVE references.



A vulnerability has been reported in IBM WebSphere Application Server, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks.

Certain unspecified input passed to the IVT application can be exploited to conduct cross-site scripting attacks.

For more information see vulnerability #3 in:

The vulnerability is reported in versions prior to 6.1 Fix Pack 37 (

Apply APAR PM20393 or update to version

Provided and/or discovered by
Reported by the vendor.

Original Advisory
IBM (PM20393):

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