U radu operacijskog sustava HP-UX uočen je i ispravljen novi sigurnosni propust. Riječ je o poznatom HP-ovom operacijskom sustavu čiji se rad temelji na radu operacijskog sustava UNIX System V. Uočeni nedostatak posljedica je za sada nespecificirane ranjivosti koja zlonamjernim, lokalnim korisnicima omogućuje pokretanje napada uskraćivanja usluge (eng. Denial of Service). Detaljniji podaci o samom propustu još nisu objavljeni. Objavljena su rješenja koja ispravljaju navedeni propust te se svim korisnicima savjetuje njihova primjena.
HP-UX Unspecified Data Processing Local Denial of Service Vulnerability
CVE ID CVE-2011-0891
CWE ID Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
CVSS V2 Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Rated as Low Risk
Impact Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Authentication Level Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Access Vector Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Release Date 2011-04-01
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Technical Description
A vulnerability has been identified in HP-UX, which could be exploited by local attackers to cause a denial of service. This issue is caused by an unknown error with unknown attack vectors. No further details have been disclosed.
Affected Products
HP-UX B.11.23
HP-UX B.11.31
HP-UX B.11.23 - Install patch PHKL_41944 or subsequent
HP-UX B.11.31 - Install patch PHKL_41945 or subsequent
Vulnerability reported by the vendor.
2011-04-01 : Initial release
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