U radu programskog paketa HP Operations za UNIX uočene su i ispravljene dvije sigurnosne ranjivosti. Prva ranjivost javlja se zbog neodgovarajuće provjere određenih ulaznih podataka, a uzrok druge trenutno je nepoznat. Zlonamjerni korisnici mogu iskoristiti ove ranjivosti za obilaženje postavljenih sigurnosnih ograničenja, neovlašten pristup sustavu te izvođenje XSS (eng. cross-site scripting) napada. Objavljeni su paketi koji ispravljaju navedene ranjivosti te se svim korisnicima savjetuje njihova primjena.

HP Operations for UNIX Cross Site Scripting and Unauthorized Access

CVE ID 	CVE-2011-0893 - CVE-2011-0894
CWE ID 	Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
CVSS V2 	Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Rated as 	Moderate Risk 
Impact 	Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Authentication Level 	Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Access Vector 	Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Release Date 	2011-04-01
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Technical Description

Two vulnerabilities have been identified in HP Operations for UNIX, which could be exploited by attackers to gain knowledge of sensitive information or obtain unauthorized access.

The first issue is caused by an input validation error which could allow cross site scripting attacks.

The second vulnerability is caused by an unknown error which could allow unauthorized access.

Affected Products

HP Operations for UNIX version 9.10


Apply hotfix QCCR1A121284_QCCR1A121281_hotfix.tar.gz :




Vulnerabilities reported by the vendor.


2011-04-01 : Initial release

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