U radu programskog paketa Shadow otkriven je i ispravljen sigurnosni nedostatak. Riječ je o skupu alata koji se koriste za rad s korisničkim računima grupa i pojedinaca. Spomenuti nedostatak je posljedica višestrukih CRLF ranjivosti u naredbama "chfn" i "chsh". Lokalnom napadaču takva situacija omogućuje dodavanje novih korisnika i grupa u "/etc/passwd" putem GECOS polja. Kako bi zaštitili svoja računala od potencijalnih napada, svim se korisnicima savjetuje prelazak na ispravljene inačice paketa.
Hash: SHA1
[slackware-security] shadow (SSA:2011-086-03)
New shadow packages are available for Slackware 13.1 and -current to
fix a security issue.
Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/shadow- Rebuilt.
This release fixes a security issue where local users may be able to add
themselves to NIS groups through chfn and chsh.
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)
Thanks to Gary Langshaw for collecting important additional patches from
Where to find the new packages:
HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com?
Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site
for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading
directly from ftp.slackware.com.
Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab
(http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting
to the Slackware project! :-)
Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for
additional mirror sites near you.
Updated package for Slackware 13.1:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:
Updated package for Slackware -current:
Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:
MD5 signatures:
Slackware 13.1 package:
ba21ebb8fc8bc7b39644db3c5d4820da shadow-
Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
e693c9f69b414061de8041bdae8bed7a shadow-
Slackware -current package:
d7e43c3da5bbb677587bbf275235f306 shadow-
Slackware x86_64 -current package:
cc6dc5cf8d04bb61d0589911db8f3f64 shadow-
Installation instructions:
Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg shadow-
Slackware Linux Security Team
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