U radu Cisco IOS (eng. Internetwork Operating System) operacijskog sustava otkriven je sigurnosni propust. Udaljeni, zlonamjerni korisnik ga može iskoristiti za izvođenje napada uskraćivanjem usluge.
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Cisco IOS Software Intrusion Prevention System Denial of Service Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120926-ios-ips
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 September 26 16:00 UTC (GMT)
Cisco IOS Software contains a vulnerability in the Intrusion
Prevention System (IPS) feature that could allow an unauthenticated,
remote attacker to cause a reload of an affected device if specific
Cisco IOS IPS configurations exist.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
Workarounds that mitigate this vulnerability are available.
This advisory is available at the following link:
Note: The September 26, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
bundled publication includes 9 Cisco Security Advisories. Eight of the
advisories address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software, and one
advisory addresses a vulnerability in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. Each Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory lists the Cisco IOS
Software releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities
detailed in the advisory as well as the Cisco IOS Software releases
that correct all Cisco IOS Software vulnerabilities in the September
2012 bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response: Semi-Annual
Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication" at the
following link:
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