U radu paketa Thunderbird utvrđeni su brojni nedostaci. Spomenute propuste udaljeni napadač može iskoristiti za DoS i XSS napad, izvršavanje proizvoljnog programskog koda, čitanje povjerljivih podataka i zaobilažnje postavljenih ograničenja.
thunderbird 11.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Ubuntu Linux 10.04, Ubuntu Linux 11.04, Ubuntu Linux 11.10, Ubuntu Linux 12.04
korupcija memorije, neodgovarajuće rukovanje memorijom, pogreška u programskoj funkciji, pogreška u programskoj komponenti, XSS
Propusti su posljedica nepravilnog rukovanja memorijom i slikama u bitmap formatu koje imaju negativnu vrijednost visine, višestrukih "use-after-free" ranjivosti, nepravilnog korištenja "Object.defineProperty", pogrešaka u implementacijama WebGL i SVG, i pogrešaka vezanih uz Graphite 2 i DOMParser.
Zlonamjerni korisnik može iskoristiti navedene propuste za izvođenje DoS i XSS napada, pokretanje proizvoljnog programskog koda, otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija i zaobilažnje postavljenih ograničenja.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1551-1
August 30, 2012
thunderbird vulnerabilities
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 11.10
- Ubuntu 11.04
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Multiple security issues were fixed in Thunderbird.
Software Description:
- thunderbird: Mozilla Open Source mail and newsgroup client
Gary Kwong, Christian Holler, Jesse Ruderman, Steve Fink, Bob Clary, Andrew
Sutherland, Jason Smith, John Schoenick, Vladimir Vukicevic and Daniel
Holbert discovered memory safety issues affecting Thunderbird. If the user
were tricked into opening a specially crafted E-Mail, an attacker could
exploit these to cause a denial of service via application crash, or
potentially execute code with the privileges of the user invoking
Thunderbird. (CVE-2012-1970, CVE-2012-1971)
Abhishek Arya discovered multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities. If the
user were tricked into opening a specially crafted E-Mail, an attacker
could exploit these to cause a denial of service via application crash, or
potentially execute code with the privileges of the user invoking
Thunderbird. (CVE-2012-1972, CVE-2012-1973, CVE-2012-1974, CVE-2012-1975,
CVE-2012-1976, CVE-2012-3956, CVE-2012-3957, CVE-2012-3958, CVE-2012-3959,
CVE-2012-3960, CVE-2012-3961, CVE-2012-3962, CVE-2012-3963, CVE-2012-3964)
Mariusz Mlynsk discovered that it is possible to shadow the location object
using Object.defineProperty. This could potentially result in a cross-site
scripting (XSS) attack against plugins. With cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities, if a user were tricked into viewing a specially crafted
E-Mail, a remote attacker could exploit this to modify the contents or
steal confidential data within the same domain. (CVE-2012-1956)
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