U radu Iceweasel paketa, web preglednika temeljenog na Firefox-u, uočene su višestruke sigurnosne nepravilnosti. Propusti se odnose na rad funkcije "ParanoidFragmentSink" i "eval()", pojavu prepisivanja spremnika, nepravilno rukovanje memorijom u JSON implementaciji, CSRF (eng. Cross-site request forgery) ranjivost te neodgovarajuću implementaciju dodataka za preglednik. Propusti se mogu iskoristiti za pokretanje proizvoljnog programskog koda te izvođenje DoS napada putem posebno oblikovanog dokumenta. Korisnicima se savjetuje korištenje ispravljenih i dostupnih inačica paketa.

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2186-1                   Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
http://www.debian.org/security/                        Moritz Muehlenhoff
March 09, 2011                         http://www.debian.org/security/faq
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Package        : iceweasel
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID         : CVE-2010-1585 CVE-2011-0051 CVE-2011-0053 CVE-2011-0054
CVE-2011-0055 CVE-2011-0055 CVE-2011-0056 CVE-2011-0057 CVE-2011-0059

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in Iceweasel, a web browser 
based on Firefox. The included XULRunner library provides rendering
services for several other applications included in Debian.


   Roberto Suggi Liverani discovered that the sanitising performed by
   ParanoidFragmentSink was incomplete.


   Crashes in the layout engine may lead to the execution of arbitrary


   Zach Hoffmann discovered that incorrect parsing of recursive eval()
   calls could lead to attackers forcing acceptance of a confirmation

CVE-2011-0054, CVE-2010-0056

   Christian Holler discovered buffer overflows in the Javascript engine,
   which could allow the execution of arbitrary code.


   "regenrecht" and Igor Bukanov discovered a use-after-free error in the
   JSON-Implementation, which could lead to the execution of arbitrary code.


   Daniel Kozlowski discovered that incorrect memory handling the web workers
   implementation could lead to the execution of arbitrary code.


   Peleus Uhley discovered a cross-site request forgery risk in the plugin

For the oldstable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in
version of the xulrunner source package.

For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in
version 3.5.16-5.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 3.5.17-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: http://www.debian.org/security/

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