U radu programskog paketa apache2 otkriveno je nekoliko sigurnosnih ranjivosti koje napadači mogu iskoristiti za otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija, proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda i DoS napad.
Apache 2.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Ubuntu Linux 8.04, Ubuntu Linux 10.04, Ubuntu Linux 10.10, Ubuntu Linux 11.04, Ubuntu Linux 11.10
neodgovarajuće rukovanje datotekama, pogreška u programskoj komponenti
Uočene su greške prilikom obradbe datoteka "SetEnvIf .htaccess", podataka u zaglavlju stranica tijekom vraćanja stranice greške (eng. Bad Request error page) i nekih tipova polja te nedostaci u komponentama "mod_proxy" i "mod_log_config".
Zlonamjerni napadači mogu iskoristiti nedostatke za otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija, proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda i napad uskraćivanjem usluga (eng. Denial of Service).
Svim korisnicima se savjetuje instalacija nadogradnje.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1368-1
February 16, 2012
apache2 vulnerabilities
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 11.10
- Ubuntu 11.04
- Ubuntu 10.10
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
Several security issues were fixed in the Apache HTTP Server.
Software Description:
- apache2: Apache HTTP server
It was discovered that the Apache HTTP Server incorrectly handled the
SetEnvIf .htaccess file directive. An attacker having write access to a
.htaccess file may exploit this to possibly execute arbitrary code.
Prutha Parikh discovered that the mod_proxy module did not properly
interact with the RewriteRule and ProxyPassMatch pattern matches in the
configuration of a reverse proxy. This could allow remote attackers to
contact internal webservers behind the proxy that were not intended for
external exposure. (CVE-2011-4317)
Rainer Canavan discovered that the mod_log_config module incorrectly
handled a certain format string when used with a threaded MPM. A remote
attacker could exploit this to cause a denial of service via a specially-
crafted cookie. This issue only affected Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10.
It was discovered that the Apache HTTP Server incorrectly handled certain
type fields within a scoreboard shared memory segment. A local attacker
could exploit this to to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2012-0031)
Norman Hippert discovered that the Apache HTTP Server incorrecly handled
header information when returning a Bad Request (400) error page. A remote
attacker could exploit this to obtain the values of certain HTTPOnly
cookies. (CVE-2012-0053)
Update instructions:
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:
Ubuntu 11.10:
apache2.2-common 2.2.20-1ubuntu1.2
Ubuntu 11.04:
apache2.2-common 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.5
Ubuntu 10.10:
apache2.2-common 2.2.16-1ubuntu3.5
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:
apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.8
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS:
apache2.2-common 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.23
In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes.
CVE-2011-3607, CVE-2011-4317, CVE-2012-0021, CVE-2012-0031,
Package Information:
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