U radu programskog paketa JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform uočeni su višestruki sigurnosni propusti. Napadači ih mogu iskoristiti za izvođenje napada uskraćivanjem usluge (DoS), zaobilaženje pojedinih sigurnosnih ograničenja i proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda.
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.x
Operacijski sustavi:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.x, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
neodgovarajuća provjera ulaznih podataka, pogreška u programskoj funkciji, pogreška u programskoj komponenti
Propusti su posljedica nepravilnosti u HTTP Digest Access Authentication implementaciji, neodgovarajućeg rukovanja određenim parametrima te greške u funkciji "hashCode()" i komponenti "jboss-seam.jar".
Udaljeni napadač može iskoristiti navedene nedostatke za zaobilaženje postavljenih ograničenja, proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda i DoS napad.
Korisnici se potiču na primjenu službenih programskih zakrpi.
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Red Hat Security Advisory
Synopsis: Important: JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3 CP07 update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2012:0091-01
Product: JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2012-0091.html
Issue date: 2012-02-02
CVE Names: CVE-2011-1184 CVE-2011-1484 CVE-2011-2526
CVE-2011-4085 CVE-2011-4858 CVE-2011-5062
CVE-2011-5063 CVE-2011-5064
1. Summary:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3 CP07, which fixes multiple security
issues and various bugs, is now available from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having
important security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base
scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each
vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section.
2. Description:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform is the open source implementation of the
Java EE suite of services and Portal services running atop JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise
customers who are looking for pre-configured profiles of JBoss Enterprise
Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to
provide an integrated experience.
This JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3 CP07 release serves as a
replacement for JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3 CP06. Refer to the
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 4.3 CP07 Release Notes, available shortly
from docs.redhat.com, for information on the most significant bug fixes
included in this release.
The following security fixes are also included:
JBoss Seam 2 did not properly block access to JBoss Expression Language
(EL) constructs in page exception handling, allowing arbitrary Java methods
to be executed. A remote attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary
code via a specially-crafted URL provided to certain applications based on
the JBoss Seam 2 framework. Note: A properly configured and enabled Java
Security Manager would prevent exploitation of this flaw. (CVE-2011-1484)
Note: If you have created custom applications that are packaged with a copy
of the JBoss Seam 2 library, those applications must be rebuilt with the
updated jboss-seam.jar file provided by this update.
It was found that the Java hashCode() method implementation was
susceptible to predictable hash collisions. A remote attacker could use
this flaw to cause JBoss Web to use an excessive amount of CPU time by
sending an HTTP request with a large number of parameters whose names map
to the same hash value. This update introduces a limit on the number of
parameters and headers processed per request to mitigate this issue. The
default limit is 512 for parameters and 128 for headers. These defaults
can be changed by setting the
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.MAX_COUNT and
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.MimeHeaders.MAX_COUNT system properties in
"server/$PROFILE/deploy/properties-service.xml". (CVE-2011-4858)
Multiple flaws were found in the way JBoss Web handled HTTP DIGEST
authentication. These flaws weakened the JBoss Web HTTP DIGEST
authentication implementation, subjecting it to some of the weaknesses of
HTTP BASIC authentication, for example, allowing remote attackers to
perform session replay attacks. (CVE-2011-1184, CVE-2011-5062,
CVE-2011-5063, CVE-2011-5064)
The invoker servlets, deployed by default via httpha-invoker, only
performed access control on the HTTP GET and POST methods, allowing remote
attackers to make unauthenticated requests by using different HTTP methods.
Due to the second layer of authentication provided by a security
interceptor, this issue is not exploitable on default installations unless
an administrator has misconfigured the security interceptor or disabled it.
A flaw was found in the way JBoss Web handled sendfile request attributes
when using the HTTP APR (Apache Portable Runtime) or NIO (Non-Blocking I/O)
connector. A malicious web application running on a JBoss Web instance
could use this flaw to bypass security manager restrictions and gain access
to files it would otherwise be unable to access, or possibly terminate the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM). (CVE-2011-2526)
Red Hat would like to thank Martin Kouba from IT SYSTEMS a.s. for reporting
CVE-2011-1484; oCERT for reporting CVE-2011-4858; and the Apache Tomcat
project for reporting CVE-2011-2526. oCERT acknowledges Julian WÄ
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