Otkriveno je nekoliko sigurnosnih nedostataka u paketu JBoss Enterprise Middleware koji udaljenom napadaču omogućuju otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija i umetanje programskog koda.
Nedostaci su uzrokovani nepravilnim upravljanjem značkama (eng. token), nepravilnom implementacijom izrade sažetka (eng. hash), XSS ranjivostima zbog nedovoljne provjere ulaznih podataka i neispravnom provjerom korisničkih ovlasti.
Sve nedostatke mogu iskoristiti udaljeni napadači kako bi otkrili osjetljive podatke ili umetnuli proizvoljni programski kod u web stranicu.
Korisnicima se savjetuje korištenje nadogradnje koja otklanja opisane nedostatke.
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Red Hat Security Advisory
Synopsis: Important: JBoss Operations Network 2.4.2 update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2012:0089-01
Product: JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2012-0089.html
Issue date: 2012-02-01
CVE Names: CVE-2011-3206 CVE-2011-4573 CVE-2011-4858
CVE-2012-0052 CVE-2012-0062
1. Summary:
JBoss Operations Network 2.4.2, which fixes multiple security issues and
several bugs, is now available from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having
important security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base
scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each
vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section.
2. Description:
JBoss Operations Network (JBoss ON) is a middleware management solution
that provides a single point of control to deploy, manage, and monitor
JBoss Enterprise Middleware, applications, and services.
This JBoss ON 2.4.2 release serves as a replacement for JBoss ON 2.4.1,
and includes several bug fixes. Refer to the JBoss ON 2.4.2 Release Notes
for information on the most significant of these changes. The Release
Notes will be available shortly from
The following security issues are also fixed with this release:
JBoss ON did not properly verify security tokens, allowing an unapproved
agent to connect as an approved agent. A remote attacker could use this
flaw to spoof the identity of an approved agent, allowing them to hijack
the approved agent's session and steal its security token. As a result,
the attacker could retrieve sensitive data about the server the hijacked
agent was running on, including JMX credentials. (CVE-2012-0052)
JBoss ON sometimes allowed agent registration to succeed when the
registration request did not include a security token. This is a feature
designed to add convenience. A remote attacker could use this flaw to
spoof the identity of an approved agent and pass a null security token,
allowing them to hijack the approved agent's session, and steal its
security token. As a result, the attacker could retrieve sensitive data
about the server the hijacked agent was running on, including JMX
credentials. (CVE-2012-0062)
It was found that the Java hashCode() method implementation was
susceptible to predictable hash collisions. A remote attacker could use
this flaw to cause JBoss Web to use an excessive amount of CPU time by
sending an HTTP request with a large number of parameters whose names map
to the same hash value. This update introduces a limit on the number of
parameters and headers processed per request to mitigate this issue. The
default limit is 512 for parameters and 128 for headers. These defaults
can be changed by setting the
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.MAX_COUNT and
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.MimeHeaders.MAX_COUNT system properties in
"server/$PROFILE/deploy/properties-service.xml". (CVE-2011-4858)
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws were found in the JBoss ON
administration interface. If a remote attacker could trick a user, who was
logged into the JBoss ON administration interface, into visiting a
specially-crafted URL, it would lead to arbitrary web script execution in
the context of the user's JBoss ON session. (CVE-2011-3206)
JBoss ON did not verify that a user had the proper modify resource
permissions when they attempted to delete a plug-in configuration update
from the group connection properties history. This could allow such a user
to delete a plug-in configuration update from the audit trail. Note that a
user without modify resource permissions cannot use this flaw to make
configuration changes. (CVE-2011-4573)
Red Hat would like to thank oCERT for reporting CVE-2011-4858. oCERT
acknowledges Julian WÄ
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