Za operacijski sustav Mac OS X Lion izdano je nekoliko programskih zakrpa koje otklanjaju propuste u programskim paketima distribuiranih sa spomenutim operacijskim sustavom. Propusti se mogu iskoristiti za udaljeno izvođenje DoS napada, pokretanje programskog koda, otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija i izvođenje XSS napada.
Paket: | Apache 2.x, Apple Mac OS X 10.6.x, Apple Mac OS X 10.7.x |
Operacijski sustavi: | Apple Mac OS X 10.6, Apple Mac OS X 10.7 |
Kritičnost: | 8.1 |
Problem: | cjelobrojno prepisivanje, korupcija memorije, neodgovarajuće rukovanje pogreškama, nepravilno rukovanje lozinkama, preljev međuspremnika, XSS |
Iskorištavanje: | udaljeno |
Posljedica: | otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija, proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda, umetanje HTML i skriptnog koda, uskraćivanje usluga (DoS) |
Rješenje: | programska zakrpa proizvođača |
CVE: | CVE-2011-3444, CVE-2011-3348, CVE-2011-3389, CVE-2011-3246, CVE-2011-3447, CVE-2011-0200, CVE-2011-3252, CVE-2011-3448, CVE-2011-3449, CVE-2011-3450, CVE-2011-2192, CVE-2011-2895, CVE-2011-0241, CVE-2011-1167, CVE-2011-3328, CVE-2011-3452, CVE-2011-3441 |
Izvorni ID preporuke: | APPLE-SA-2012-02-01 |
Izvor: | Apple |
Problem: | |
Sigurnosni propusti su pronađeni u paketima: Apache, CFNetwork, ColorSync, CoreAudio, CoreMedia, CoreText, CoreUI, curl, Data Security, dovecot, filecmds, ImageIO, Internet Sharing, Libinfo, libresolv, libsecurity, OpenGL, PHP, QuickTime, SquirrelMail, Subversion, Time Machin, Tomcat, WebDAV Sharing, Webmail i X11. Ozbiljniji propusti javljaju se pri otvaranju posebno oblikovanih stranica ili pokretanja posebno oblikovanih medijskih datoteka. |
Posljedica: | |
Većinu propusta moguće je iskoristiti za udaljeno izvođenje DoS (eng. Denial of Service) napada i izvršavanje proizvoljnog programskog koda. |
Rješenje: | |
Više informacija o propustima može se naći u izvornoj preporuci. Svim korisnicima savjetuje se primjena službenih programskih zakrpi. |
Izvorni tekst preporuke
Hash: SHA1
APPLE-SA-2012-02-01-1 OS X Lion v10.7.3 and Security Update 2012-001
OS X Lion v10.7.3 and Security Update 2012-001 is now available and
addresses the following:
Address Book
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: An attacker in a privileged network position may intercept
CardDAV data
Description: Address Book supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for
accessing CardDAV. A downgrade issue caused Address Book to attempt
an unencrypted connection if an encrypted connection failed. An
attacker in a privileged network position could abuse this behavior
to intercept CardDAV data. This issue is addressed by not downgrading
to an unencrypted connection without user approval.
CVE-2011-3444 : Bernard Desruisseaux of Oracle Corporation
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in Apache
Description: Apache is updated to version 2.2.21 to address several
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to a denial of
service. Further information is available via the Apache web site at
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: An attacker may be able to decrypt data protected by SSL
Description: There are known attacks on the confidentiality of SSL
3.0 and TLS 1.0 when a cipher suite uses a block cipher in CBC mode.
Apache disabled the 'empty fragment' countermeasure which prevented
these attacks. This issue is addressed by providing a configuration
parameter to control the countermeasure and enabling it by default.
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the
disclosure of sensitive information
Description: An issue existed in CFNetwork's handling of malformed
URLs. When accessing a maliciously crafted URL, CFNetwork could send
the request to an incorrect origin server. This issue does not affect
systems prior to OS X Lion.
CVE-2011-3246 : Erling Ellingsen of Facebook
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the
disclosure of sensitive information
Description: An issue existed in CFNetwork's handling of malformed
URLs. When accessing a maliciously crafted URL, CFNetwork could send
unexpected request headers. This issue does not affect systems prior
to OS X Lion.
CVE-2011-3447 : Erling Ellingsen of Facebook
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted image with an embedded
ColorSync profile may lead to an unexpected application termination
or arbitrary code execution
Description: An integer overflow existed in the handling of images
with an embedded ColorSync profile, which may lead to a heap buffer
overflow. This issue does not affect OS X Lion systems.
CVE-2011-0200 : binaryproof working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
Impact: Playing maliciously crafted audio content may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in the handling of AAC
encoded audio streams. This issue does not affect OS X Lion systems.
CVE-2011-3252 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A heap buffer overflow existed in CoreMedia's handling
of H.264 encoded movie files.
CVE-2011-3448 : Scott Stender of iSEC Partners
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing or downloading a document containing a maliciously
crafted embedded font may lead to an unexpected application
termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A use after free issue existed in the handling of font
CVE-2011-3449 : Will Dormann of the CERT/CC
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Visiting a malicious website may lead to an unexpected
application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: An unbounded stack allocation issue existed in the
handling of long URLs. This issue does not affect systems prior to OS
X Lion.
CVE-2011-3450 : Ben Syverson
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: A remote server may be able to impersonate clients via
GSSAPI requests
Description: When doing GSSAPI authentication, libcurl
unconditionally performs credential delegation. This issue is
addressed by disabling GSSAPI credential delegation.
Data Security
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: An attacker with a privileged network position may intercept
user credentials or other sensitive information
Description: Two certificate authorities in the list of trusted root
certificates have independently issued intermediate certificates to
DigiCert Malaysia. DigiCert Malaysia has issued certificates with
weak keys that it is unable to revoke. An attacker with a privileged
network position could intercept user credentials or other sensitive
information intended for a site with a certificate issued by DigiCert
Malaysia. This issue is addressed by configuring default system trust
settings so that DigiCert Malaysia's certificates are not trusted. We
would like to acknowledge Bruce Morton of Entrust, Inc. for reporting
this issue.
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: An attacker may be able to decrypt data protected by SSL
Description: There are known attacks on the confidentiality of SSL
3.0 and TLS 1.0 when a cipher suite uses a block cipher in CBC mode.
Dovecot disabled the 'empty fragment' countermeasure which prevented
these attacks. This issue is addressed by enabling the
CVE-2011-3389 : Apple
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Decompressing a maliciously crafted compressed file may lead
to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in the 'uncompress' command
line tool.
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted TIFF file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in ImageIO's handling of
CCITT Group 4 encoded TIFF files. This issue does not affect OS X
Lion systems.
CVE-2011-0241 : Cyril CATTIAUX of Tessi Technologies
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted TIFF file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in libtiff's handling of
ThunderScan encoded TIFF images. This issue is address by updating
libtiff to version 3.9.5.
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in libpng 1.5.4
Description: libpng is updated to version 1.5.5 to address multiple
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to arbitrary code
execution. Further information is available via the libpng website at
Internet Sharing
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: A Wi-Fi network created by Internet Sharing may lose
security settings after a system update
Description: After updating to a version of OS X Lion prior to
10.7.3, the Wi-Fi configuration used by Internet Sharing may revert
to factory defaults, which disables the WEP password. This issue only
affects systems with Internet Sharing enabled and sharing the
connection to Wi-Fi. This issue is addressed by preserving the Wi-Fi
configuration during a system update.
CVE-2011-3452 : an anonymous researcher
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the
disclosure of sensitive information
Description: An issue existed in Libinfo's handling of hostname
lookup requests. Libinfo could return incorrect results for a
maliciously crafted hostname. This issue does not affect systems
prior to OS X Lion.
CVE-2011-3441 : Erling Ellingsen of Facebook
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Applications that use OS X's libresolv library may be
vulnerable to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code
Description: An integer overflow existed in the parsing of DNS
resource records, which may lead to heap memory corruption.
CVE-2011-3453 : Ilja van Sprundel of IOActive
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Some EV certificates may be trusted even if the
corresponding root has been marked as untrusted
Description: The certificate code trusted a root certificate to sign
EV certificates if it was on the list of known EV issuers, even if
the user had marked it as 'Never Trust' in Keychain. The root would
not be trusted to sign non-EV certificates.
CVE-2011-3422 : Alastair Houghton
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Applications that use OS X's OpenGL implementation may be
vulnerable to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code
Description: Multiple memory corruption issues existed in the
handling of GLSL compilation.
CVE-2011-3457 : Chris Evans of the Google Chrome Security Team, and
Marc Schoenefeld of the Red Hat Security Response Team
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in PHP 5.3.6
Description: PHP is updated to version 5.3.8 to address several
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to arbitrary code
execution. Further information is available via the PHP web site at
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted PDF file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A memory corruption issue existed in FreeType's
handling of Type 1 fonts. This issue is addressed by updating
FreeType to version 2.4.7. Further information is available via the
FreeType site at
CVE-2011-3256 : Apple
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in libpng 1.5.4
Description: libpng is updated to version 1.5.5 to address multiple
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to arbitrary code
execution. Further information is available via the libpng website at
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Opening a maliciously crafted MP4 encoded file may lead to
an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: An uninitialized memory access issue existed in the
handling of MP4 encoded files.
CVE-2011-3458 : Luigi Auriemma and pa_kt both working with
TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A signedness issue existed in the handling of font
tables embedded in QuickTime movie files.
CVE-2011-3248 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: An off by one buffer overflow existed in the handling
of rdrf atoms in QuickTime movie files.
CVE-2011-3459 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted JPEG2000 image file may lead
to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in the handling of JPEG2000
CVE-2011-3250 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted PNG image may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in the handling of PNG files.
CVE-2011-3460 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow existed in the handling of FLC
encoded movie files
CVE-2011-3249 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero
Day Initiative
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in SquirrelMail
Description: SquirrelMail is updated to version 1.4.22 to address
several vulnerabilities, the most serious of which is a cross-site
scripting issue. This issue does not affect OS X Lion systems.
Further information is available via the SquirrelMail web site at
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Accessing a Subversion repository may lead to the disclosure
of sensitive information
Description: Subversion is updated to version 1.6.17 to address
multiple vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to the
disclosure of sensitive information. Further information is available
via the Subversion web site at
Time Machine
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: A remote attacker may access new backups created by the
user's system
Description: The user may designate a remote AFP volume or Time
Capsule to be used for Time Machine backups. Time Machine did not
verify that the same device was being used for subsequent backup
operations. An attacker who is able to spoof the remote volume could
gain access to new backups created by the user's system. This issue
is addressed by verifying the unique identifier associated with a
disk for backup operations.
CVE-2011-3462 : Michael Roitzsch of the Technische Universitat
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in Tomcat 6.0.32
Description: Tomcat is updated to version 6.0.33 to address multiple
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which may lead to the disclosure
of sensitive information. Tomcat is only provided on Mac OS X Server
systems. This issue does not affect OS X Lion systems. Further
information is available via the Tomcat site at
WebDAV Sharing
Available for: OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Local users may obtain system privileges
Description: An issue existed in WebDAV Sharing's handling of user
authentication. A user with a valid account on the server or one of
its bound directories could cause the execution of arbitrary code
with system privileges. This issue does not affect systems prior to
OS X Lion.
CVE-2011-3463 : Gordon Davisson of Crywolf
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2,
OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted e-mail message may lead to the
disclosure of message content
Description: A cross-site scripting vulnerability existed in the
handling of mail messages. This issue is addressed by updating
Roundcube Webmail to version 0.6. This issue does not affect systems
prior to OS X Lion. Further information is available via the
Roundcube site at
Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8,
OS X Lion v10.7 to v10.7.2, OS X Lion Server v10.7 to v10.7.2
Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted PDF file may lead to an
unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: A memory corruption issue existed in FreeType's
handling of Type 1 fonts. This issue is addressed by updating
FreeType to version 2.4.7. Further information is available via the
FreeType site at
CVE-2011-3256 : Apple
OS X Lion v10.7.3 and Security Update 2012-001 may be obtained from
the Software Update pane in System Preferences, or Apple's Software
Downloads web site:
The Software Update utility will present the update that applies
to your system configuration. Only one is needed, either
Security Update 2021-001 or OS X v10.7.3.
For OS X Lion v10.7.2
The download file is named: MacOSXUpd10.7.3.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 7102fe8f9f47286c45dfa35f6e84e7f730493a7c
For OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1
The download file is named: MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 07dfce300f6801eb63d9ac13e0bec84e1862a16c
For OS X Lion Server v10.7.2
The download file is named: MacOSXServerUpd10.7.3.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 55a9571635d4ec088c142d68132d0d69fcb8867d
For OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1
The download file is named: MacOSXServerUpdCombo10.7.3.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 2c87824f09734499ea166ea0617a3ac21ecf832b
For Mac OS X v10.6.8
The download file is named: SecUpd2012-001Snow.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 40875ee8cb609bbaefc8f421a9c34cc353db42b8
For Mac OS X Server v10.6.8
The download file is named: SecUpdSrvr2012-001.dmg
Its SHA-1 digest is: 53b3ca5548001a9920aeabed4a034c6e4657fe20
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