Fedora Update Notification
2011-12-23 03:10:48
Name : gnome-python2-extras
Product : Fedora 15
Version : 2.25.3
Release : 35.fc15.4
URL : http://www.pygtk.org/
Summary : Additional PyGNOME Python extension modules
Description :
The gnome-python-extra package contains the source packages for additional
Python bindings for GNOME. It should be used together with gnome-python.
Update Information:
The latest version of Firefox and Thunderbird have the following changes:
* Added Type Inference, significantly improving JavaScript performance
* Added support for querying Do Not Track status via JavaScript
* Added support for font-stretch
* Improved support for text-overflow
* Improved standards support for HTML5, MathML, and CSS
* Fixed several stability issues
* Fixed several security issues
Notable nss changes include:
1. SSL 2.0 is disabled by default.
2. A defense against the SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 CBC chosen plaintext attack
demonstrated by Rizzo and Duong (CVE-2011-3389) is enabled by default.
Set the SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV SSL option to PR_FALSE to disable it.
3. SHA-224 is supported.
4. Added PORT_ErrorToString and PORT_ErrorToName to return the
error message and symbolic name of an NSS error code.
5. Added NSS_GetVersion to return the NSS version string.
6. Added experimental support of RSA-PSS to the softoken only
(contributed by Hanno BÄ
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