Objavjena je revizija sigurnosne preporuke s oznakom USN-1306-1. Original se odnosio na pogreške u radu programskih paketa mozvoikko i ubufox. Udaljeni napadači mogu iskoristiti propuste za otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija, proizvoljno izvršavanje programskog koda ili izvođenje DoS napada.
mozvoikko 1.x, ubufox 0.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Ubuntu Linux 11.04, Ubuntu Linux 11.10
nespecificirana pogreška, pogreška u programskoj komponenti
Neki od nedostataka nastaju zbog pogrešaka u biblioteci YAR i SVG implementaciji. Revizija je objavljena zbog izdavanja zakrpa za pakete Mozvoikko i ubufox namijenjenih korištenju s Firefox 9 inačicom.
Udaljeni napadač može iskoristiti navedene propuste za pregled pojedninih podataka, pokretanje proizvoljnog programskog koda ili izvođenje napada uskraćivanja usluge (DoS).
Korisnicima se savjetuje instalacija novih programskih rješenja.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1306-2
January 06, 2012
mozvoikko, ubufox update
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 11.10
- Ubuntu 11.04
This update provides compatible packages for Firefox 9.
Software Description:
- mozvoikko: Finnish spell-checker extension for Firefox (transitional package
- ubufox: Ubuntu Firefox specific configuration defaults and apt support
USN-1306-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Firefox. This update provides updated
Mozvoikko and ubufox packages for use with Firefox 9.
Original advisory details:
Alexandre Poirot, Chris Blizzard, Kyle Huey, Scoobidiver, Christian Holler,
David Baron, Gary Kwong, Jim Blandy, Bob Clary, Jesse Ruderman, Marcia
Knous, and Rober Longson discovered several memory safety issues which
could possibly be exploited to crash Firefox or execute arbitrary code as
the user that invoked Firefox. (CVE-2011-3660)
Aki Helin discovered a crash in the YARR regular expression library that
could be triggered by javascript in web content. (CVE-2011-3661)
It was discovered that a flaw in the Mozilla SVG implementation could
result in an out-of-bounds memory access if SVG elements were removed
during a DOMAttrModified event handler. An attacker could potentially
exploit this vulnerability to crash Firefox. (CVE-2011-3658)
Mario Heiderich discovered it was possible to use SVG animation accessKey
events to detect key strokes even when JavaScript was disabled. A malicious
web page could potentially exploit this to trick a user into interacting
with a prompt thinking it came from the browser in a context where the user
believed scripting was disabled. (CVE-2011-3663)
It was discovered that it was possible to crash Firefox when scaling an OGG
<video> element to extreme sizes. (CVE-2011-3665)
Update instructions:
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:
Ubuntu 11.10:
xul-ext-mozvoikko 1.10.0-0ubuntu2.2
xul-ext-ubufox 1.0.2-0ubuntu0.11.10.1
Ubuntu 11.04:
xul-ext-mozvoikko 1.10.0-0ubuntu0.11.04.4
xul-ext-ubufox 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.11.04.1
After a standard system update you need to restart Firefox to make
all the necessary changes.
Package Information:
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