U radu jezgre operacijskog sustava Ubuntu Linux (linux-ti-omap4) otkrivene su višestruke sigurnosne ranjivosti. Lokalni, zlonamjerni korisnik ih može iskoristiti za izvođenje napada uskraćivanjem usluge (DoS) ili otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija.
Propusti su posljedica nepravilnosti pri čitanju TMP podataka, pogreške u HFS datotečnom sustavu i modulu FUSE, te nepravilnog rukovanja korisnički definiranim ključevima.
Lokalni napadač može iskoristiti navedene propuste za izvođenje napada uskraćivanjem usluge ili pregled rezultata prethodno izvedene TMP naredbe.
Korisnicima se savjetuje nadogradnja na ispravljenu inačicu.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1319-1
January 05, 2012
linux-ti-omap4 vulnerabilities
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 11.04
Several security issues were fixed in the kernel.
Software Description:
- linux-ti-omap4: Linux kernel for OMAP4
Peter Huewe discovered an information leak in the handling of reading
security-related TPM data. A local, unprivileged user could read the
results of a previous TPM command. (CVE-2011-1162)
Clement Lecigne discovered a bug in the HFS filesystem. A local attacker
could exploit this to cause a kernel oops. (CVE-2011-2203)
Han-Wen Nienhuys reported a flaw in the FUSE kernel module. A local user
who can mount a FUSE file system could cause a denial of service.
A flaw was found in how the Linux kernel handles user-defined key types. An
unprivileged local user could exploit this to crash the system.
Update instructions:
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:
Ubuntu 11.04:
linux-image-2.6.38-1209-omap4 2.6.38-1209.20
After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make
all the necessary changes.
ATTENTION: Due to an unavoidable ABI change the kernel updates have
been given a new version number, which requires you to recompile and
reinstall all third party kernel modules you might have installed. If
you use linux-restricted-modules, you have to update that package as
well to get modules which work with the new kernel version. Unless you
manually uninstalled the standard kernel metapackages (e.g. linux-generic,
linux-server, linux-powerpc), a standard system upgrade will automatically
perform this as well.
CVE-2011-1162, CVE-2011-2203, CVE-2011-3353, CVE-2011-4110
Package Information:
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