Uočena su tri sigurnosna nedostatka vezana uz JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.0 koje udaljeni napadač može iskoristiti za pokretanje proizvoljnog skriptnog koda ili utjecanje na određene podatke.
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.x
Operacijski sustavi:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.x
neodgovarajuća provjera ulaznih podataka, pogreška u programskoj komponenti, XSS
izmjena podataka, umetanje HTML i skriptnog koda, zaobilaženje postavljenih ograničenja
programska zakrpa proizvođača
CVE-2011-2941, CVE-2011-4085, CVE-2011-4580
Izvorni ID preporuke:
Red Hat
Propusti su posljedica pogrešaka u određenim programskim komponentama i nepravilnoj provjeri ulaznih podataka pri autentikaciji korisnika.
Napadač može iskoristiti propust za XSS napad, preusmjeravanje korisnika na proizvoljne web stranice i phishing napade.
Korisnicima se savjetuje korištenje najnovije inačice.
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Red Hat Security Advisory
Synopsis: Moderate: JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.0 update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2011:1822-01
Product: JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2011-1822.html
Issue date: 2011-12-14
CVE Names: CVE-2011-2941 CVE-2011-4085 CVE-2011-4580
1. Summary:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.0, which fixes multiple security
issues, various bugs, and adds enhancements is now available from the Red
Hat Customer Portal.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate
security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores,
which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability
from the CVE links in the References section.
2. Description:
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform is the open source implementation of the
Java EE suite of services and Portal services running atop JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise
customers who are looking for pre-configured profiles of JBoss Enterprise
Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to
provide an integrated experience.
This release of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.0 serves as a
replacement for JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.1, and includes bug
fixes and enhancements. Refer to the JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.0
Release Notes for information on the most significant of these changes. The
Release Notes will be available shortly from
The following security issues are also fixed with this release:
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws were found in JBoss Enterprise
Portal Platform. If a remote attacker could trick a user, who was logged
into the portal, into visiting a specially-crafted URL, it would lead to
arbitrary web script execution in the context of the user's portal
session. (CVE-2011-4580)
It was found that the login page of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform could
be used to perform open URL redirects. A remote attacker could use this
flaw to redirect users to arbitrary websites and conduct phishing attacks
via a URL passed in the initialURI parameter. (CVE-2011-2941)
It was found that the invoker servlets, deployed by default via
httpha-invoker, only performed access control on the HTTP GET and POST
methods, allowing remote attackers to make unauthenticated requests by
using different HTTP methods. Due to the second layer of authentication
provided by a security interceptor, this issue is not exploitable on
default installations unless an administrator has misconfigured the
security interceptor or disabled it. (CVE-2011-4085)
Red Hat would like to thank Christopher Hartley of The Ohio State
University for reporting the CVE-2011-2941 issue.
Warning: Before applying this update, back up all applications deployed on
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform, along with all customized configuration
All users of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.1 as provided from the
Red Hat Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to JBoss Enterprise Portal
Platform 5.2.0.
3. Solution:
The References section of this erratum contains a download link (you must
log in to download the update).
4. Bugs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):
732342 - CVE-2011-2941 JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform: open URL redirect
750422 - CVE-2011-4085 Invoker servlets authentication bypass (HTTP verb
760845 - CVE-2011-4580 JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform: Multiple XSS flaws
5. References:
6. Contact:
The Red Hat security contact is <Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.>. More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/
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