Uočena su dva sigurnosna propusta u radu programskog paketa Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat je poslužitelj web aplikacija namijenjen Java Servlet i JavaServer Pages tehnologijama. Prvi je propust posljedica neodgovarajuće provjere ulaznih podataka u HTML Manager sučelju, a napadaču omogućuje zaobilaženje postavljenih ograničenja te izvođenje XSS napada. Drugi je uzrokovan pogreškom u postavkama "ServletContect" značajke. Napadaču omogućuje neovlašteni pristup sustavu. Korisnicima se preporuča prelazak na ispravljene inačice.
Apache Tomcat Cross Site Scripting and Permission Bypass Vulnerabilities
CVE ID CVE-2010-3718 - CVE-2011-0013
CWE ID Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
CVSS V2 Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Rated as Moderate Risk
Impact Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Authentication Level Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Access Vector Available in VUPEN VNS Customer Area
Release Date 2011-02-07
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Technical Description
Two vulnerabilities have been identified in Apache Tomcat, which could be exploited to bypass restrictions or gain knowledge of sensitive information.
The first issue is caused by an input validation error in the HTML Manager interface when displaying web application data, which could allow cross site scripting attacks.
The second vulnerability is caused due to the read-only setting not being applied when running web applications under a SecurityManager, which could allow a malicious web application to gain unauthorized read and write access to a vulnerable system.
Affected Products
Apache Tomcat versions 7.x
Apache Tomcat versions 6.x
Apache Tomcat versions 5.x
Upgrade to Apache Tomcat version 7.0.6 or later, 6.0.30 or later, or 5.5.32 :
Vulnerabilities reported by the vendor.
2011-02-07 : Initial release
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