Objavljena je nadogradnja programskog paketa kvm koja ispravlja višestruke nedostatke koji na različite načine omogućuju rušenje aplikacije.
Paket: | kvm 0.x |
Operacijski sustavi: | CentOS |
Problem: | pogreška u programskoj funkciji, pogreška u programskoj komponenti |
Iskorištavanje: | lokalno/udaljeno |
Posljedica: | uskraćivanje usluga (DoS) |
Rješenje: | programska zakrpa proizvođača |
Izvorni ID preporuke: | 123 |
Izvor: | CentOS |
Problem: | |
Uočeni problemi posljedica su pogrešaka u raznovrsnim programskim komponentama i funkcionalnostima. |
Posljedica: | |
Napadači mogu iskoristiti uočene nedostatke za pokretanje napada uskraćivanja usluge. |
Rješenje: | |
Svim se korisnicima savjetuje primjena objavljene nadogradnje. |
Izvorni tekst preporuke
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:1068
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-1068.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
a830468119570c7f606b213b38b0af07 kvm-83-239.el5.centos.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:1068
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-1068.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
c6c92c7944ebb69be665a26f13e1c7e0 kmod-kvm-83-239.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
0b9b084a558b9a45e5fd8db461722c99 kmod-kvm-debug-83-239.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
152688f15c9565247ea88016e36566fb kvm-83-239.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
9d839d2e70182f8023a5eed87966339a kvm-qemu-img-83-239.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
da4460e578976fe15f9bc0abaa966025 kvm-tools-83-239.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
a830468119570c7f606b213b38b0af07 kvm-83-239.el5.centos.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:0442
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0442.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
9c249b3e82dfd6a71085d07b81ee5e9a blas-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
aad852f9c407aa96b6090eda428878c1 blas-devel-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
c03685ef75f4a24530e8b657e13e6d26 lapack-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
e431464406d706439c02fe1cf9593ec8 lapack-devel-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
a17bc57edfee18ee1d243820d35ae68e lapack-3.0-38.el5.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:0442
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0442.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
bfc9a587b79fc30e361a7c2ef746f3de blas-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
5073e395fcde830658e424fbb51c36b7 blas-3.0-38.el5.x86_64.rpm
5ecae0e616c6fc63827f9afc5d392405 blas-devel-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
9e0937f0bc30e7eb04ad5a315f2ebc00 blas-devel-3.0-38.el5.x86_64.rpm
ff894df36017d3b3168e4a42351abee8 lapack-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
122911f7e62e83d200aabeef7e2d8391 lapack-3.0-38.el5.x86_64.rpm
da1f1fcbee9f5d5344fc37fcfc04a708 lapack-devel-3.0-38.el5.i386.rpm
48c857ed8a178acc5a7627548fdaf7e3 lapack-devel-3.0-38.el5.x86_64.rpm
a17bc57edfee18ee1d243820d35ae68e lapack-3.0-38.el5.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:1031
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-1031.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
91e262cd482fa99116ededbb32bd60cb krb5-devel-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
9bda1ea7d5738e57147b0c1e22cd4db7 krb5-libs-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
affae6f9953c4a825490d4b11cfdae85 krb5-server-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
0bfd825db08b2de7f0c7e7df3337657c krb5-server-ldap-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
6352a14b612ab85d6c71cd1bd684ec4d krb5-workstation-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
31ee975b23bf5a3e7675f5278fce8a92 krb5-1.6.1-62.el5.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:1031
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-1031.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
5bec99c4d0b813b6919ab44db1e05e88 krb5-devel-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
0209ebbe3827a3c66fb81f3510458761 krb5-devel-1.6.1-62.el5.x86_64.rpm
7cdd33e7721ed7aa1b32cf0f58d628b7 krb5-libs-1.6.1-62.el5.i386.rpm
2f0c819e749f9a27912f1823d04ceb4c krb5-libs-1.6.1-62.el5.x86_64.rpm
87551049db420c2c24b5b67e585fcf64 krb5-server-1.6.1-62.el5.x86_64.rpm
5cad5ac56e03544709c4d1124eb62ffe krb5-server-ldap-1.6.1-62.el5.x86_64.rpm
42517880fb49e770aadeed4beffb49ba krb5-workstation-1.6.1-62.el5.x86_64.rpm
31ee975b23bf5a3e7675f5278fce8a92 krb5-1.6.1-62.el5.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:0979
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0979.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
d9a11bd215a3b5e272eef82836ea2c8f ipvsadm-1.24-13.el5.x86_64.rpm
4c7142a86b63fd934214f3c570ed13d9 ipvsadm-1.24-13.el5.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:1033
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-1033.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:0501
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0501.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
a70ba1bb4224d374b0ad4707609d3f86 kdebase-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.i386.rpm
b058260dc13a6cc646b3f97385a70cf4 kdebase-devel-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.i386.rpm
6ba2dd0bb7be95d9b5aed627f83b366e kdebase-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: z00dax, #Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
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CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2011:0501
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0501.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename )
1b915cd89eb0c1e686b7face24c3539a kdebase-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.i386.rpm
0ef819e02ba60d1b8e7bb4d5eaf866de kdebase-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
7059d36543aef19d87f4054fc130d74c kdebase-devel-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.i386.rpm
8e0f8f2f5d19616f570ca10b735256ef kdebase-devel-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
6ba2dd0bb7be95d9b5aed627f83b366e kdebase-3.5.4-24.el5.centos.src.rpm
Karanbir Singh
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
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