U aplikacijama Firefox i Xulrunner otkriveni su i ispravljeni sigurnosni propusti koji su udaljenim napadačima omogućavali izvršavanje proizvoljnog programskog koda, pokretanje napada uskraćivanja usluga, zaobilaženje sigurnosnih ograničenja te otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija.
Firefox 3.x, Xulrunner 1.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Ubuntu Linux 10.04, Ubuntu Linux 10.10
neodgovarajuća provjera ulaznih podataka, nespecificirana pogreška, pogreška u programskoj funkciji, pogreška u programskoj komponenti
Otkriveni sigurnosni problemi vezani su uz nespecificirane pogreške, nepravilnosti u programskim komponentama ("event-management") i funkcijama ("appendChild","SVGTextElement.getCharNumAtPosition"), te neodgovarajuće rukovanje ulaznim podacima ("RegExp.input").
Uočene ranjivosti zlonamjerni, udaljeni korisnik može iskoristiti za pokretanje DoS napada, zaobilaženje pojedinih sigurnosnih ograničenja, izvršavanje proizvoljnog programskog koda te otkrivanje podataka.
Svim korisnicima preporučuje se primjena nadogradnje.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1184-1
August 19, 2011
firefox, xulrunner-1.9.2 vulnerabilities
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 10.10
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Multiple vulnerabilities have been fixed in Firefox and Xulrunner.
Software Description:
- firefox: Mozilla Open Source web browser
- xulrunner-1.9.2: Mozilla Gecko runtime environment
Gary Kwong, Igor Bukanov, and Bob Clary discovered multiple memory
vulnerabilities in the browser rendering engine. An attacker could use
these to possibly execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user
invoking Firefox. (CVE-2011-2982)
It was discovered that a vulnerability in event management code could
permit JavaScript to be run in the wrong context. This could potentially
allow a malicious website to run code as another website or with escalated
privileges within the browser. (CVE-2011-2981)
It was discovered that an SVG text manipulation routine contained a
dangling pointer vulnerability. An attacker could potentially use this to
crash Firefox or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user
invoking Firefox. (CVE-2011-0084)
It was discovered that web content could receive chrome privileges if it
registered for drop events and a browser tab element was dropped into the
content area. This could potentially allow a malicious website to run code
with escalated privileges within the browser. (CVE-2011-2984)
It was discovered that appendChild contained a dangling pointer
vulnerability. An attacker could potentially use this to crash Firefox or
execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user invoking Firefox.
It was discovered that data from other domains could be read when
RegExp.input was set. This could potentially allow a malicious website
access to private data from other domains. (CVE-2011-2983)
Update instructions:
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:
Ubuntu 10.10:
firefox 3.6.20+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:
firefox 3.6.20+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
After a standard system upgrade you need to restart Firefox and any
applications that use Xulrunner to effect the necessary changes.
CVE-2011-0084, CVE-2011-2378, CVE-2011-2981, CVE-2011-2982,
CVE-2011-2983, CVE-2011-2984
Package Information:
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