Otkrivena je ranjivost programskog paketa gimp koju mogu iskoristiti udaljeni napadači za izvođenje DoS napada i pokretanje proizvoljnog programskog koda.
gimp 2.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Ubuntu Linux 10.04, Ubuntu Linux 10.10, Ubuntu Linux 11.04
Ranjivost je posljedica nepravilnog rukovanja PSP slikovnim datotekama.
Navođenjem korisnika na otvaranje posebno oblikovanje PSP datoteke, udaljeni napadač može izvesti napad uskraćivanja usluge ili pokrenuti zlonamjerni programski kod.
Preporuča se korištenje odgovarajućih programskih zakrpa.
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-1147-1
June 13, 2011
gimp vulnerability
A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:
- Ubuntu 11.04
- Ubuntu 10.10
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
GIMP could be made to run programs as your login if it opened a
specially crafted file.
Software Description:
- gimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program
Nils Philippsen discovered that GIMP incorrectly handled malformed PSP
image files. If a user were tricked into opening a specially crafted PSP
image file, an attacker could cause GIMP to crash, or possibly execute
arbitrary code with the user's privileges.
Update instructions:
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package versions:
Ubuntu 11.04:
gimp 2.6.11-1ubuntu6.1
Ubuntu 10.10:
gimp 2.6.10-1ubuntu3.3
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:
gimp 2.6.8-2ubuntu1.3
After a standard system update you need to restart GIMP to make all the
necessary changes.
Package Information:
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