Pri radu CMS alata Drupal otkriveni su višestruki sigurnosni propusti koji zlonamjernom napadaču omogućuju otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija te umetanje proizvoljnog skriptnog koda.
drupal 6.x, drupal 7.x
Operacijski sustavi:
Fedora 13, Fedora 14
neodgovarajuća provjera ulaznih podataka, pogreška u programskoj komponenti, XSS
otkrivanje osjetljivih informacija, umetanje HTML i skriptnog koda
programska zakrpa proizvođača
Izvorni ID preporuke:
Otkriveni su propusti u radu tri modula alata Drupal na operacijskim sustavima Fedora 13 i 14. Ispis modula za upravljanje pogreškama je ranjiv na XSS napad, a modul za upravljanje bojama izvršava neadekvatnu provjeru ulaznih podataka. Posljednji propust uočen je kod modula za upravljanje datotekama.
Uočene ranjivosti napadač može iskoristiti za ostvarivanje neograničenog pristupa privatnim podacima te izvršavanje XSS napada.
Svim korisnicima programskog paketa savjetuje se nadogradnja na najnoviju inačicu.
Fedora Update Notification
2011-05-26 21:14:46
Name : drupal
Product : Fedora 14
Version : 6.22
Release : 1.fc14
Summary : An open-source content-management platform
Description :
Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal is a Content Management
System written in PHP that can support a variety of websites ranging from
personal weblogs to large community-driven websites. Drupal is highly
configurable, skinnable, and secure.
Update Information:
* Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2011-001
* Project: Drupal core [1]
* Version: 6.x, 7.x
* Date: 2011-May-25
* Security risk: Critical [2]
* Exploitable from: Remote
* Vulnerability: Access bypass, Cross Site Scripting
Multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses were discovered in Drupal.
.... Reflected cross site scripting vulnerability in error handler
A reflected cross site scripting vulnerability was discovered in Drupal's
error handler. Drupal displays PHP errors in the messages area, and a
specially crafted URL can cause malicious scripts to be injected into the
message. The issue can be mitigated by disabling on-screen error display at
admin/settings/error-reporting. This is the recommended setting for
production sites.
This issue affects Drupal 6.x only.
.... Cross site scripting vulnerability in Color module
When using re-colorable themes, color inputs are not sanitized. Malicious
color values can be used to insert arbitrary CSS and script code. Successful
exploitation requires the "Administer themes" permission.
This issue affects Drupal 6.x and 7.x.
.... Access bypass in File module
When using private files in combination with a node access module, the File
module allows unrestricted access to private files.
This issue affects Drupal 7.x only.
* Drupal 7.x before version 7.1.
* Drupal 6.x before version 6.21.
-------- SOLUTION
Install the latest version:
* If you are running Drupal 7.x then upgrade to Drupal 7.1 [3] or 7.2 [4].
* If you are running Drupal 6.x then upgrade to Drupal 6.21 [5] or 6.22. [6]
The Security Team has released both a pure security update without other bug
fixes and a security update combined with other bug fixes and improvements.
You can choose to either only include the security update for an immediate
fix (which might require less quality assurance and testing) or more fixes
and improvements alongside the security fixes by choosing between Drupal 7.1
[7] and Drupal 7.2 [8] or Drupal 6.21 [9] and Drupal 6.22 [10].
See the release announcement [11] for more information.
See also the Drupal core [12] project page.
-------- REPORTED BY
* The reflected cross site scripting vulnerability was reported by Heine
Deelstra [13] (*).
* The Color module cross site scripting vulnerability was reported by Kasper
Lindgaard, Secunia Research.
* The File access bypass was reported by Hubert Lecorche, and Peter Bex
-------- FIXED BY
* The reflected cross site scripting vulnerability was fixed by Alan
* The Color module cross site scripting vulnerability was fixed by StÄ
Posljednje sigurnosne preporuke