Poanta računalne forenzike je dolazak do istine. Do istine se dolazi identificiranjem i skupljanjem dostatnih dokaza za dokazivanje identiteta ili aktivnosti računalnog korisnika. Ono što zanima istražitelja su rezultati zabranjenih aktivnosti ili ono što podupire druge zabranjene aktivnosti.
Skoro sve forenzičke istrage imaju zajedničke osnovne korake. Prilikom dolaska na mjesto zločina, potrebno je odrediti sve dokaze koji bi mogli biti bitni. Nakon identifikacije dokaza, potrebno ih je prikupiti i pohraniti na način koji će sačuvati njihovo stanje pri čemu se isprva potrebno prema SVIM dokazima ponašati kao da će biti od važnosti na sudu. Nakon što su dokazi u ovlasti istražitelja, može se započeti s analizom.
Ovo poglavlje predstavlja pregled zadataka zajedničkih svim računalnim istragama.
Početak posla za istražitelja je skupljanje dokaza. Generalno pravilo je da se sve smatra dokazom. Najbolja opcija bi bila da se uzme sve što zakon i situacija dopušta. Možda važnost nekog podatka isprva nije očita, ali kasnije bi mogao biti presudan.
Don't get too caught up in finding specific evidence. Rather, treat an investigation like a large puzzle. Avoid fixating on the picture (on the puzzle's box); instead, look at the shapes and how the pieces fit together. When you focus on the end product too much, you can miss important evidence that may lead you in a different direction. Try to avoid looking only for evidence you expect to exist. Be on the lookout for any evidence that would be of interest to your case.
After you have the proper authorization, you will need to start cataloging the physical evidence. Different people choose different starting points. Some examiners start with the most prominent computer, normally the one in the center of the workspace. Others choose a point of reference, such as the entry door, as a starting point. Regardless of where you start, you should move through the scene carefully and document your actions as you proceed. Start where you are most comfortable. The goal is to consider all physical evidence. Choosing a starting point and moving through the scene in a methodical manner makes it more unlikely that you will miss important evidence.
The most important characteristic of documentary evidence is that it cannot stand on its own. It must be authenticated. When you find suspicious files on a hard drive (or removable media), you must prove that they are authentic. You must prove that the evidence came from the suspect's computer and has not been altered since it was collected.
Take extra precautions to protect the original media and the initial hash. You will need both at the time of trial so that you can ensure that evidence you find is admissible. Even if your investigation does not lead to court, being able to prove that your activities made no changes to a disk drive is extremely helpful. You'll need the initial hash to prove such a claim.